- 产品型号:
- 8521A铁
- 产品规格:
- 10.5*10.5*17。我们还为您精选了咖啡机公司黄页、行业资讯、价格行情、展会信息等
建议零售价 | ¥90.00 | 品牌 | 道蓝山 | 型号 | 8521A铁 |
货号 | 8521A铁 | 咖啡机种类 | 半自动 | 咖啡机原理 | 手摇式 |
容量 | 5杯以下 | 款式 | 磨豆机 | 额定频率 | 50(HZ) |
颜色 | 卡其色 | 产品规格 | 10.5*10.5*17 |
品牌:道蓝山 货号:8521A铁
咖啡机种类:半自动 咖啡机原理:手摇式
本店宝贝均为精挑细选,所以一般不存在质量问题,发货前也会仔细的检查清楚。不过 这个,“人有失手,马有失蹄”如果出售的宝贝出现质量问题请即时和本店联系,我们会妥善处理的,不过买家个人原因损坏、 款式不喜欢、与想象有出入、太大、太小等情况,公司没有办法退换哦!
所有的宝贝均为实物拍摄,看到的就是买到的。不过由于环境光线、相机和电脑显示屏 的显示原因,商品与照片产生略微色差不可避免,各位买家多多体谅,公司力求想宝贝最真实的状态展现给各位亲们,但是色差问题是不能作 为投诉以及退换货的依据哦。
1. Quality assurance:
Our baby are seleced, so there is no quality problem, will be carefully check clear before shipment. But this, "people have misses, horse's hoof" if sell baby appeared quality problem please immediately contact our shop, we will properly deal with it, but buyers personal reasons damage and don't like the style, and imagination from, too big, too small, and so on and so forth, company have no way to return!
2. The problem of color difference:
All the baby are the material object photographies, see is bought. But because of the ambient light, camera and computer screen display, goods and photographs to produce slightly off color is inevitable, all buyers consideration, the company makes every effort to want to show you baby the most real close, but the color difference issue is not able to do For complaints and return basis.
0771-2438642Guangxi nanning, blue trade co., LTDGuangxi nanning xin district nanjing road 49-60771-2438642